JUST IMAGINE (No 45) by Claude Chaney (c)2019 New Continuum Music
JUST IMAGINE (NO 45) by Claude Chaney (c)2019 New Continuum Music If there is no 45 there is no Cruella De Vos to destroy public education If there is no 45 there is no Ben Carson to destroy public housing If there is no 45 there is no EPA head Andrew Wheeler who seems to think he heads The Fossil Fuel Protection Agency instead of The Environmental Protection Agency If there is no 45 there no Mike Pompeo to justify stealing natural resources from other countries for the benefit of greedy US corporations If there is no 45 there is no racist Stephen Miller to separate infants from their families while denying US entry to political and climate refugees seeking asylum. Just imagine a world with no 45 and envision a world of peace. It's up to us to make sure there's no 45 at least not in the White House but maybe in the big house where he belongs